NZCIS is very grateful for all donations.You help to keep our organisation afloat and you encourage all the mahi we do.
Thank you!
We will also feature all donors over $1000 on our website unless you ask to be anonymous.
We are a registered charity (CC53570) and receipts will be issued with our Charity number and Date.
Persons name
First name
Last name
Person or Household Address
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Cell phone
Email address
Please Choose One
Please tick one
Other amount
Tagged for a particular work?
Pay/Donate method
Please tick one
Credit/Debit Card
Internet Banking (NZ only)
NZCIS 06-0193-0674457-00
Pay by Invoice
Generate invoice in Xero and Send
Recurring period
Only available with Credit Card payment. Otherwise a Pledge will ne noted.
One time
Every 2 weeks
Once per month
4 Weekly
3 Monthly
6 Monthly
Last payment date
Only available with Credit Card payment. Otherwise a Pledge will ne noted.
Please tick if you are happy to be named in a list of donors
Please tick if you are happy to be named in a list of donors
NZCIS will not release your data to an outside organisation or third party without your approval
Please check the highlighted fields